Boost Your SEO and Build Customer Trust With These Tips


 According to Entrepreneur, robust item descriptions can go a long way in building trust with your customers.

E-commerce, though it offers many advantages, is not always able to compete with physical stores where customers can see products in person. Instead, online shoppers must depend on product descriptions, so it is important to ensure that they are robust. Pictures are also necessary from various angles and distances. Some items, like clothing and housewares, require more pictures to show details.

For products that require demonstrations, video is a good option, the article states. Furniture and toys that require assembly can also be displayed in video format - this can help to guide customers through the assembly process when they receive the item. There are other benefits to video like:

  • Video also works well for products that require a visual explanation. The life cycle of a service can be better communicated, showing the customer what you are delivering and what results they can expect.
  • Videos can be used to build excitement. Products are often better represented by demonstration than a description and a photo. For example, cookware is a type of product that is easier to sell when the process is shown in a video. Customers enjoy seeing how a product can be used.

Entrepreneur states that product descriptions are best when kept between 250 and 300 words, longer description can be off-putting to consumers. For products that require more details, it is a good idea to use a bulleted list - this makes it easier for scanners to see the product category, size, weight and other details of the make and model.

Allow your product descriptions to reflect the personality of your business. Your tone can be cutesy, funny or friendly in the description copy. Remain true to your brand identity and don’t try reinventing it in the product description.

As always, keep SEO in mind as you write your product description. Think of the keywords people are likely to use when searching for your product, and be sure to avoid industry jargon, as your terms may not necessarily be the terms the average consumer would use. Search engines scan images as well as text, so be sure to use relevant file names and tags, search engines will not recognize photos if they do not have them. You also need to use keywords within the product description, photo captions, headlines and subtitles to maximize your SEO.