4 Tips for Marketing Your Business on Facebook


Facebook on a tabletBusinesses have come to realize that Facebook is no longer a free tool for marketing. As changes are made to newsfeeds, it has become necessary to pay. Posts by friends now get preference over brands. It can be difficult to keep up with the changes and how they affect your marketing.

There are, however, some steps you can take to increase the reach of your content according to We Are Social Media. As you follow the four tips below, remember that results take time.

1. Avoid shortened links and photos. To get more website traffic, use the link preview option. It is no longer permitted to post an image with a link to your website. This will result in your page being blacklisted by Facebook.  It is best to share your link, then choose an image from those that appear in the snippet.

2. Post when no one is posting. Everyone else is trying to post when the audience is online. This results in cluttered newsfeeds for the people in your audience. It is then more difficult for your content to stand out. You can continue to post during your prime hours, but schedule posts for off-peak hours too. Take advantage of the times when other brands are not competing for attention. This is when your posts are most likely to appear on consumers’ newsfeeds and get more engagement.

3. Optimize your images. Make sure your images display well on the newsfeed. While they may be perfect on your brand page, keep in mind that many people will never visit it. They only see your posts when they appear on their newsfeeds. With the increase in mobile users, it is also important to ensure that your images are not just desktop optimized, but can be viewed on mobile devices as well.

4. Show appreciation. All of your content should not be about your brand. Find relevant content from other sources and share it directly from their pages and websites. Share industry tips, how-to guides and other helpful information created by others. This can introduce you to a wider audience and invite reciprocation from other brands and individuals.