5 Ways Video Marketing Can Help Your Business


video production setVideo marketing has grown exponentially in popularity over the last 5 years. As a small business owner, you might be wary about the time, and money, producing quality videos can take. To help you weigh your options and see if video marketing is right for your business, check out these 5 video marketing facts from Vidyard:

1. Many customers find video irresistible and it can help bring new customers to your business.

According to Vidyard, customers expect most businesses to have video content because there are so many popular video sites available now - sites like YouTube, Vine and Instagram.

2. YouTube is a great place to start.

Did you know YouTube visitors view an average of 6 billion hours of video a month? Create a YouTube channel for your business and feature videos of your most popular products to catch some attention.

3. Videos can help guide your customers through the buying cycle.

Vidyard states that customers today perform nearly 70 percent of the buying journey independently - delaying interactions with sales departments directly. Video content can help hold a customer's attention and guide them through the buying cycle.

4. People are naturally drawn to videos, and they can build trust between a business and customers.

Whether internet cat videos, or product tutorials - we are all attracted to videos. Susan Weinschenk said, "There is a part to the brain, the fusiform face area, which cues us to look at faces to gather information and determine someone's credibility. This is why we are so intrigued by live action videos featuring people." Don't be afraid to be in your own business videos and show people you are a trustworthy, reliable business owner. This can help you attract new customers and retain existing ones.

5. Video works to convert.

Believe it or not, the enjoyment of a video can increase purchase intent by 97 percent, and brand association by 139 percent. That's huge!

To read more about the effectiveness of video marketing, visit Vidyard.