10 SEO Frustrations


''So how does Google work?''The following are 10 common SEO frustrations, according to Trellis:

  1. Google keeps changing its algorithm.
  2. Poorly designed sites can outrank you.
  3. It takes a long time to rank high.
  4. Google can penalize you at any time.
  5. Creating quality content it really hard.
  6. Your rankings can disappear overnight.
  7. Link building is dead or wait is it...?
  8. SEO never ends, there is always more work to do.
  9. Only approximately 20 percent of people actually know what SEO it.
  10. And of those, maybe one percent of people actually know how it works.

For more details on each of these frustrations, check out the blog at growwithtrellis.com.

Photo credit: http://growwithtrellis.com/blog/10-frustrations-of-seo